Saturday, March 1, 2014

My first post

This is my first post ever! Honestly I didn't know what to start writing about. I had hundreds of ideas, but no one seemed to be the right one to be the first one to write about. At the end, I figured that it would be best to write about how my style started.

This above, photo represents in some sort of way the things that have made me different.

- The tea represents "always try new things": This tea in particular is a non-veggie type of tea, it's manly made of pomegranate and blueberry, but to add omega 3 it also has tuna oil! When it's hot tastes delish, but when it gets cold it leaves you a weird fishy after taste. That feeling in particular left me thinking for a while.. Maybe I'll write something about it in the future.

- The macaroons represent "above all, stay classy": The nature of the macaroons are to be beautiful and sophisticated, it really doesn't matter if sometimes they taste like wax, they always look perfect. The feeling here it's a little more simple than the tea. It means that no matter if you are having a bad day and you feel like dying, be sure to always, always, look classy and perfect. Don't look for pity in your life. That's lame!

- My beautiful grandmother's china represent "don't forget your past, where you come from": Your past is not always beautiful. Sometimes it can be a little traumatic, the key is to remember it as something that made you who you are now. But it's important to let go of things that can damage you in any way. Like I always say "I don't forgive easily, but I surely will never forget it"..

- My field notebook represent "Be true to yourself": This notebook is fill with thoughts, drawings and notes to myself. So I don't loose myself in the way.

- And last but not least, the wood represents "nature is always the answer": Whenever you feel like you have lost your way, it's always a good idea to escape to a place where nature is everywhere. So you can go there, meditate, think and get back on your feet. Start over again with a new way of viewing  life.

These are some of my "must haves" in my simple kind of life. Although this is not for everyone, it depends of what is it you believe in..

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